You can be broken,but still have immense value….

Fisher of Men353

You can be broken, but still have immense value…

15h ago

life is not over you can move on. There’s so much ahead. So much in store for you. You can always keep going. Where there is a will there is a way.

Forty Something Life As We Know It

As a Forty Plusser I had my fair shares of wicked curveballs in life.

For too long in my life I have tried to ignore things that needed fixing and attention.  I tried to live a happy go lucky life.  I lived a life of total pretence.  I did not want people to notice how broken I was inside.  I was ashamed to let down my guard.  I was too afraid to drop the mask!!!  I was afraid to show my true feelings.  To me, these ghosts of my past was too embarrassing to share with anyone!

To me, healing was a 360 degrees U-turn.  I also know that I won’t be my old self EVER.  My old self had evaporated in the air.  My old self is gone forever. But that’s okay!!! I have reached a point in my life where I just couldn’t care less! I tend to practise more selflove.  I am stronger.  I am more confident.  I don’t have…

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  1. Sunshiny SA, Kavitha15h agoAs they say, there’s life in the old dog yet.
    I dreaded some periods but it DOES get better.Reply1Like
  2. myexpressionofthoughtsblog14h agoBeautiful thought sharedReply1Like
    1. Fisherofmenmyexpressionofthoughtsblog4h agoThank youReply1Like



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